TCS to donate pro bono to Seattle's Children Hospital for SIDS research
Indian IT services giant Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has made a significant contribution to research into Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), which comes primarily in the form of a donation of 5,000 hours of technical and scientific research on a pro bono basis to ‘Seattle Children’s.’
Last month, TCS was the highest ranking Indian firm on Forbes’ annual list of the Best Regarded Companies across the globe. Alongside its rapidly expanding business portfolio, the firm’s reputation has also been aided by its extensive efforts in the domain of social development.
In recent times, the firm has entered a number of partnerships to promote training and educational initiatives across the globe. In India, the firm leveraged its unique TCS iON product to offer digital support for the NSDC Skill India campaign, aimed at bringing 400 million people across the globe up to a minimum skill level.
The firm has also been involved in corporate social responsibility work in collaboration with the University of Southern California to establish a tech camp, aimed at familiarising girls from a variety of ethnic backgrounds with aerospace and STEM subjects. Recently, TCS also launched an innovation challenge for children in the US in collaboration with Discovery Education.
TCS’ latest CSR initiative, however, comes in the domain of healthcare, specifically in response to the rising number of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) across the US, including those caused by SIDS. The contribution comes in the form of a donation of 5,000 pro bono hours to technical and scientific research in the field.
Specifically, the firm is supporting the Seatle Children’s Center for Integrative Brain Research (Seattle’s Children), which places among the five best pediatric research centres in the country. So far, TCS’ expertise has already been leveraged to create a platform for digital fundraising.
Commenting on the collaboration, John Kahan,President of the Aaron Matthew SIDS Research Guild at Seattle Children’s said, “We are deeply grateful for TCS' commitment to this work to ensure that, in the future, no parent experiences the loss of a child again or worries theirs will be next.”
Nagaraj Ijari, Vice President and Global Head of the HiTech Unit at TCS said, “At TCS we firmly believe in leveraging technology to provide solutions to social causes, and we are excited to work with Microsoft and Seattle Children's to bring together our diverse skills to help solve SIDS, I am hopeful that the power of digital technologies, particularly analytics and cloud computing, will help researchers get closer to the answers they have been seeking for so long, and to save precious little lives.”