Sangita Singh joins IBM as General Manager of Cloud Consulting Services

04 July 2018

In a move that might have positioned her as the highest ranked female executive of a global operation in India, former Executive Vice President at Infosys Sangita Singh has joined IBM as the General Manager for Cloud Consulting Services at the firm’s Global Business Division. Her scope of management will extend across approximately $1 billion worth of business. 

IBM’s Global Business Services (GBS) division leverages the firm’s in-depth tech expertise and international status to support clients across the world with the design, construction and operation of their business. In the first quarter of this year, the division registered revenues of just over $4.1 billion, over $2 billion of which came from its cloud consulting operations alone.

A large portion of these cloud-based services were offered in India, where the public cloud market is thriving. In 2016, IBM acquired an Indian cloud software specialist firm by the name of Sanovi Technologies, adding approximately 350 clients to its country roster and consolidating its position in the thriving market.

Since then, IBM’s workforce in India has grown to exceed the firm’s headcount in the US itself, and the GBS division alone employs approximately 50,000 people in the country. The cloud consulting segment in India conducts business of over $1 billion, which will now be overseen by Sangita Singh.

Sangita Singh, General Manager - IBM

Singh has a wealth of experience in the technology services sector spanning over two decades. She obtained a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology in India, following which she began her professional career at IT services giant Wipro. 

She remained at Wipro for nearly two decades, ascending through the positions of Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Senior Vice President & Head of Enterprise Application Services, and Chief Executive of the Healthcare and Life Sciences business unit (based in New York). 

In the latter half of 2016, Singh moved to rival IT services firm Infosys, joining as the Executive Vice President for the Healthcare & Life Sciences division. In her new role, she will join the senior ranks of IBM’s GBS division, officially operating as General Manager for Cloud Consulting Services.

A statement released by IBM read, “In her role she will be responsible for helping our clients accelerate their cloud journeys and forge greater ties with the industry around the world. She will report to John Granger, general manager, GBS cloud application innovation consulting.”

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